Welcome to Fayette County's public input tool for the SR 279 (from Corinth Road to SR 85) Realignment (PI# 0017813) project. Please read the information and instructions below to find out how you can provide input!
Project Overview
The purpose of this project is three-fold:
Two options have been developed and the Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 tabs (on the left) explain how each meets the goals in different ways. The table below shows an overview of the criteria for the alternatives developed. This project was recommended by the SR 279 Transportation Corridor Study, which was adopted by the Fayette County Board of Commissioners in December 2019.
This project is in the scoping phase, which means the layout and features are still being evaluated. The alignments and features for Alternatives 1 and 2 show what the improvements could be. The focus of this website is to gather input from the community on what you think the project should be so the project team can develop a “preferred alternative” in early 2023 and eventually an approved concept. There will be additional opportunities for public comment prior to concept approval.
Use the Interactive Map (described below) to tell us what you like, what you don’t like, and what’s missing for each of the alternatives.
How to Participate
Interactive Map - Please review the information provided on the interactive map on this page. If you have comments or questions, please drag one of the "pins" from the top of the page to the location of your comment or question. You will be able to write a small note at your location for the public and study team’s review. You are also able to review comments left previously by other participants and "like" or "dislike" them. Please return later to see what others have written and indicate which comments you agree with!
Survey - On the left sidebar, there is a button for a survey where you can provide any general comments about the project.
The alternatives presented on this site are for discussion purposes and meant to convey potential road configuration layout and features. Neither alternative represents a guarantee of what the finished project will include. Many project features, such as sidewalks, project limits, intersection controls, etc. will be decided upon based on input received from the public and further technical evaluation. The approved Concept Report, expected in mid to late 2023, will better define the final project.